

Add-EnterpriseSearchIndex [[-LogFilesPath] <String>] [[-IndexName] <String>] [[-OverwriteIndex] <Boolean>] 
[[-TemplateName] <String>] [[-Companies] <String>] [[-EpicorUserName] <String>] [[-EpicorUserPassword] <SecureString>] 
[[-EpicorAppserverUri] <String>] [[-EpicorBinding] <String>] [[-TargetSqlServer] <String>] [[-TargetSqlUser] <String>] 
[[-TargetSqlPassword] <SecureString>] [[-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity] <Boolean>] 
[[-EpicorDatabaseName] <String>] [[-DnsIdentity] <String>] [[-BuildIndex] <Boolean>] [-CheckForBugFixes] 


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-LogFilesPath The location where the configuration Xml and log files will be stored at false false
-IndexName The index name to use (specify it without dashes '-') false false
-OverwriteIndex Overwrites an existing index false false True
-TemplateName The index template to use false false EpicorERP
-Companies The companies to filter to in the index, leave blank for all companies that the user has access to false false
-EpicorUserName The Epicor user name to login as false false
-EpicorUserPassword The Epicor user password to login as false false
-EpicorAppserverUri The Epicor Uri to use false false
-EpicorBinding A valid Epicor binding to connect to with false false HttpsBinaryUsernameChannel
-TargetSqlServer The Epicor Sql Server database server name or instance false false
-TargetSqlUser The Epicor Sql Server database user name false false
-TargetSqlPassword The Epicor Sql Server database user password false false
-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity Set to $true if you want to use the Sql Server's integrated security option false false False
-EpicorDatabaseName The Epicor database name to connect to false false
-DnsIdentity Optional Dns identity to connect with, for use the Ssl secured Net.tcp bindings false false
-BuildIndex Set this option if you also want to build the newly created index in the same action false false True
-CheckForBugFixes Set this option if you want to retrieve the latest bug fixes for your version false false False


Add an enterprise search index and build it at the same time
Add-EnterpriseSearchIndex -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -IndexName "MyNewIndex" ` -EpicorUserName "epicor" -EpicorUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -EpicorAppserverUri "https://localhost/e10live" -TargetSqlServer "localhost\sql2016" ` -TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity $true -EpicorDatabaseName "e10live" ` -BuildIndex $true -CheckForBugFixes

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Add-ErpUser [[-EpicorAppserverUri] <String>] [[-UserName] <String>] [[-ERPUserName] <String>] [[-ERPPassword] 
<SecureString>] [[-Companies] <Object>] [[-CurrentCompany] <String>] [[-CurrentPlant] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-EpicorAppserverUri Local domain for erp environment false false
-UserName User name to be created false false
-ERPUserName Existing user in the erp to run the user validation false false
-ERPPassword Password for the existing erp user false false
-Companies Object array that contains companies and plants that will be assigned to the user false false
-CurrentCompany Name of the current company for the new user false false
-CurrentPlant Name of the current plant for the new user false false


Create a user with a set of companies assigned to it
$companies = @{ EPIC01 = 'MfgSys' EPIC02 = 'MfgSys' EPIC03 = 'EVN~MfgSys~RKF' EPIC04 = 'MfgSys' EPIC05 = 'MfgSys' EPIC06 = 'OC~EVN~MfgSys~LA~RKF' EPIC07 = 'MfgSys' EPICPF = 'OC~EVN~MfgSys~LA~RKF' GPC = 'MfgSys' } Add-ErpUser -EpicorAppserverUri "https://machinename.developer.epicor.com/myEnvironment" -UserName "manager" -Companies $companies ` -ERPUserName "epicor" -ERPPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force) -CurrentCompany "Epic06" -CurrentPlant "MfgSys"

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Add-TaskAgent [[-E10Version] <String>] [[-LogFilesPath] <String>] [[-TaskAgentName] <String>] [[-EpicorAppserverUri] 
<String>] [[-EpicorBinding] <String>] [[-EpicorUserName] <String>] [[-EpicorUserPassword] <SecureString>] 
[[-DnsIdentity] <String>] [[-OperationTimeout] <Int32>] [[-MaxConnectionAttempts] <Int32>] [[-MaxConcurrentTasks] 
<Int32>] [[-ValidateWcfCert] <Boolean>] [[-RestartDelay] <Int32>] [[-DeploymentDirectory] <String>] 


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-E10Version The E10 version to use false false
-LogFilesPath The location where the configuration Xml and log files will be stored at false false
-TaskAgentName The Task Agent Agent name to use false false
-EpicorAppserverUri The Epicor Uri where the Task Agent will point to false false
-EpicorBinding A valid Epicor Binding to use to connect to with the Task Agent false false HttpsBinaryUsernameChannel
-EpicorUserName The Epicor User name to connect the task agent as false false
-EpicorUserPassword The Epicor password to connect the task agent with false false
-DnsIdentity false false
-OperationTimeout The amount of time to wait before a call to the server will timeout in seconds. false false 86400
-MaxConnectionAttempts The maximum number of times a call will try to connect to the appserver before failing. false false 10
-MaxConcurrentTasks The maximum number of simultaneous tasks that can be run. false false 20
-ValidateWcfCert If using an SSL endpoint binding, should the SSL certificate be validated. false false False
-RestartDelay Indicates the amount of time to wait before restarting when an agent fails due to an error.
Minimum value is 45; maximum value is 300.
false false 45
-DeploymentDirectory Alternate location where the task agent is installed at false false


Adds a task agent
Add-TaskAgent -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -TaskAgentName "E10LiveAgent" ` -EpicorAppserverUri "https://localhost/e10live" -EpicorUserName "epicor" ` -EpicorUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -DnsEndpointIdentity "epicorsaas.com"
Adds a task agent whilst also setting up logging to the error log stream
$toolExeName = "TaskAgentServiceConfiguration.exe" $E10Version = "10.2.300.0" $splitVersionNumber = [System.Version]::new($E10Version) $baseIceVersion = [System.Version]::new($splitVersionNumber.Major - 7, $splitVersionNumber.Minor, $splitVersionNumber.Build, 0).ToString() $toolPath ="C:\Program Files (x86)\Epicor Software\Epicor Task Agent Service $baseIceVersion\" $toolLoggerName = "TaskAgentCL" Add-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName Add-TaskAgent -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -TaskAgentName "E10LiveAgent" ` -EpicorAppserverUri "https://localhost/e10live" -EpicorUserName "epicor" ` -EpicorUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -DnsEndpointIdentity "epicorsaas.com" Remove-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName

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Add-TracingLog [[-ToolLoggerName] <String>] [[-ToolPath] <String>] [[-ToolExeName] <String>] [[-ToolVersionNumber] 
<String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-ToolLoggerName Name of the logger of the tool to trace false false
-ToolPath The path to the tool if you have it false false
-ToolExeName Name of the exe, can include an extra path, so that you could say DBMigration\My.exe false false
-ToolVersionNumber Version number to use (for ICE applications), this will be combined after the ToolPath argument then the ToolExe
argument so that
your string will look like:
false false


Adds the trace logger to the SetupEnvironmentUI.exe tool
$toolPath ="C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Epicor Software\Application Server Manager Extensions\3.2.400\SetUpEnvironment" Add-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName "SetupEnvCl" -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName "SetupEnvironmentUI.exe"
Adds the trace logger to the SetupEnvironmentUI.exe tool, if you want the script to setup the version number for you
$toolPath ="C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Epicor Software\Application Server Manager Extensions\" Add-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName "SetupEnvCl" -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName "\SetUpEnvironment\SetupEnvironmentUI.exe" ` -ToolVersionNumber "10.2.400.0"

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Build-EnterpriseSearchIndex [[-LogFilesPath] <String>] [[-IndexName] <String>] [[-OverwriteIndex] <Boolean>] 
[[-TemplateName] <String>] [[-Companies] <String>] [[-EpicorUserName] <String>] [[-EpicorUserPassword] <SecureString>] 
[[-EpicorAppserverUri] <String>] [[-EpicorBinding] <String>] [[-TargetSqlServer] <String>] [[-TargetSqlUser] <String>] 
[[-TargetSqlPassword] <SecureString>] [[-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity] <Boolean>] 
[[-EpicorDatabaseName] <String>] [[-DnsIdentity] <String>] [-CheckForBugFixes] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-LogFilesPath The location where the configuration Xml and log files will be stored at false false
-IndexName The index name to use (specify it without dashes '-') false false
-OverwriteIndex Overwrites an existing index false false True
-TemplateName The index template to use false false EpicorERP
-Companies The companies to filter to in the index, leave blank for all companies that the user has access to false false
-EpicorUserName The Epicor user name to login as false false
-EpicorUserPassword The Epicor user password to login as false false
-EpicorAppserverUri The Epicor Uri to use false false
-EpicorBinding A valid Epicor binding to connect to with false false HttpsBinaryUsernameChannel
-TargetSqlServer The Epicor Sql Server database server name or instance false false
-TargetSqlUser The Epicor Sql Server database user name false false
-TargetSqlPassword The Epicor Sql Server database user password false false
-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity Set to $true if you want to use the Sql Server's integrated security option false false False
-EpicorDatabaseName The Epicor database name to connect to false false
-DnsIdentity Optional Dns identity to connect with, for use the Ssl secured Net.tcp bindings false false
-CheckForBugFixes Set this option if you want to retrieve the latest bug fixes for your version false false False


Add an enterprise search index and build it at the same time
Build-EnterpriseSearchIndex -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -IndexName "MyNewIndex" ` -EpicorUserName "epicor" -EpicorUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -EpicorAppserverUri "https://localhost/e10live" -TargetSqlServer "localhost\sql2016" ` -TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity $true -EpicorDatabaseName "e10live" ` -CheckForBugFixes

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Deserialize-HVIDocument [[-AssembliesFilePath] <String>] [[-CompanyId] <String>] [[-GroupId] <Int32>] 
[[-DocumentNumber] <Int32>] [[-ConnectionString] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-AssembliesFilePath Path to the Epicor ERP 10 server directory false false
-CompanyId Company ID of the record false false
-GroupId Group ID of the record false false 0
-DocumentNumber Document Number of the record false false 0
-ConnectionString Connection string to the Sql database where the record is stored at false false


Deserialize-HVIDocument -AssembliesFilePath "C:\Clean\Ice\Server\" -CompanyId "EPIC03" -GroupId 2 -DocumentNumber 1 -ConnectionString "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=ice3golden;User ID=sa;Password=Epicor123;Min Pool Size=2;Max Pool Size=10;MultipleActiveResultSets=True"

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Disable-FeatureFlag [[-EpicorSmartClientFolder] <String>] [[-LogFilesPath] <String>] [[-SysConfigFilePath] <String>] 
[[-EpicorUserName] <String>] [[-EpicorUserPassword] <SecureString>] [[-FeatureToEnableOrDisable] <String>] [[-Level] 
<String>] [[-Target] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-EpicorSmartClientFolder The Epicor Erp smart client directory false false
-LogFilesPath The location where the configuration Xml and log files will be saved to false false
-SysConfigFilePath The Sysconfig file path to login with false false
-EpicorUserName The Epicor user name to use false false
-EpicorUserPassword The Epicor user password to use false false
-FeatureToEnableOrDisable Feature id to enable or disable false false
-Level One of System, Tenant, Company, Group or User false false
-Target The identifier for the level (for example, user ID). Not needed for System. false false


Disables the feature flag "79479C59-021B-40C4-A8D3-2F859FD8CD6B"
Disable-FeatureFlag -EpicorSmartClientFolder "C:\te\What\Client" -LogFilesPath "C:\te\What\Client" ` -SysConfigFilePath "C:\te\What\Client\Config\erpstage.sysconfig" ` -EpicorUserName "manager" -EpicorUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "Epicor123" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -FeatureToEnableOrDisable "79479C59-021B-40C4-A8D3-2F859FD8CD6B" -Level "System"

Top of page


Enable-FeatureFlag [[-EpicorSmartClientFolder] <String>] [[-LogFilesPath] <String>] [[-SysConfigFilePath] <String>] 
[[-EpicorUserName] <String>] [[-EpicorUserPassword] <SecureString>] [[-FeatureToEnableOrDisable] <String>] [[-Level] 
<String>] [[-Target] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-EpicorSmartClientFolder The Epicor Erp smart client directory false false
-LogFilesPath The location where the configuration Xml and log files will be saved to false false
-SysConfigFilePath The Sysconfig file path to login with false false
-EpicorUserName The Epicor user name to use false false
-EpicorUserPassword The Epicor user password to use false false
-FeatureToEnableOrDisable Feature id to enable or disable false false
-Level One of System, Tenant, Company, Group or User false false
-Target The identifier for the level (for example, user ID). Not needed for System. false false


Enables the feature flag "79479C59-021B-40C4-A8D3-2F859FD8CD6B"
Enable-FeatureFlag -EpicorSmartClientFolder "C:\te\What\Client" -LogFilesPath "C:\te\What\Client" ` -SysConfigFilePath "C:\te\What\Client\Config\erpstage.sysconfig" ` -EpicorUserName "manager" -EpicorUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "Epicor123" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -FeatureToEnableOrDisable "79479C59-021B-40C4-A8D3-2F859FD8CD6B" -Level "System"

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Get-E10VersionFromDb [[-DatabaseName] <String>] [[-TargetSqlServer] <String>] [[-TargetSqlUser] <String>] 
[[-TargetSqlPassword] <SecureString>] [[-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-DatabaseName The E10 database to retrieve its version from false false
-TargetSqlServer The local Sql instance to use false false
-TargetSqlUser The Sql user to use false false
-TargetSqlPassword The Sql password to use false false
-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity Set to $true if you want to use the Sql integrated security option false false False


Returns the E10 version from an E10 database
Get-E10VersionFromDb -DatabaseName "E10Live" -TargetSqlServer "localhost\sql2016" -TargetSqlUser "sa" (ConvertTo-SecureString "secret" -AsPlainText -Force) $false

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Get-IfAMinorUpgradeShouldBeMade [[-CurrentE10Version] <String>] [[-PreviousE10Version] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-CurrentE10Version The current E10 version false false
-PreviousE10Version The previous E10 version false false


The following sample should return true
Get-IfAMinorUpgradeShouldBeMade -CurrentE10Version "" -PreviousE10Version ""

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Get-IfDbShouldBeUpdated [[-CurrentE10Version] <String>] [[-PreviousE10Version] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-CurrentE10Version The current E10 version false false
-PreviousE10Version The previous E10 version false false


The following sample should return false
Get-IfDbShouldBeUpdated -CurrentE10Version "" -PreviousE10Version ""
The following sample should return true
Get-IfDbShouldBeUpdated -CurrentE10Version "" -PreviousE10Version "10.2.300.2"

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Get-IfErpUserExists [[-EpicorAppserverUri] <String>] [[-UserName] <String>] [[-ERPUserName] <String>] [[-ERPPassword] 
<SecureString>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-EpicorAppserverUri Local domain for erp environment false false
-UserName User name to be validated false false
-ERPUserName Existing user in the erp to run the user validation false false
-ERPPassword Password for the existing erp user false false


Checks if a user exists
Get-IfErpUserExists -EpicorAppserverUri "https://machinename.developer.epicor.com/myEnvironment" -UserName "manager" ` -ERPUserName "epicor" -ERPPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force)

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Grant-PermissionsToModifyErpConfig [[-UserName] <String>] [[-ServerFolder] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-UserName The user that will be processed false false
-ServerFolder The server path false false


Grants permissions to the desired folder to a user
Grant-PermissionsToModifyErpConfig -UserName "Customer008" -ServerFolder "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Customer008\Server\"

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Import-ErpSsrsReports [[-SsrsBaseUrl] <String>] [[-E10TemporaryReportsSqlServerName] <String>] 
[[-E10TemporaryReportsDatabaseName] <String>] [[-ReportsImportPath] <String>] [[-ReportsRootFolder] <String>] 
[[-DbUser] <String>] [[-DbPassword] <String>] [[-E10Version] <String>] [[-DeploymentDirectory] <String>] 


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-SsrsBaseUrl The web service URL from SSRS false false
-E10TemporaryReportsSqlServerName The name of the Erp temporary reports Sql Server name false false
-E10TemporaryReportsDatabaseName The name of the Erp temporary reports Sql Server database name false false
-ReportsImportPath Path where the reports.zip file is located at false false
-ReportsRootFolder Root folder where the reports will be stored at Ssrs, optional false false
-DbUser User to connect to when creating the Ssrs database, omit this and DbPassword for integrated security false false
-DbPassword User password to connect to when creating the Ssrs database, omit this and DbUser for integrated security false false
-E10Version E10 version false false
-DeploymentDirectory Deployment directory where the SetupEnvironment.exe is located at false false


Imports the "C:\Epicor\ERP10\ERP10.2.300.0\Server\reports.zip" zip file into the "MyTenant" folder inside the "http://localhost/ReportServer_SQL2016" Ssrs server
Import-ErpSsrsReports -SsrsBaseUrl "http://localhost/ReportServer_SQL2016" -E10TemporaryReportsSqlServerName "localhost\sql2016" -E10TemporaryReportsDatabaseName "ErpTempReports" -DbUser "secure" -DbPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "secret" -AsPlainText -Force) -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -ReportsImportPath "C:\Epicor\ERP10\ERP10.2.300.0\Server\reports.zip" -ReportsRootFolder "MyTenant"

Top of page


Install-CertificateFromBase64String [[-CertificateInBase64] <String>] [[-CertificateSearchString] <String>] 
[[-DefaultWebSiteHostName] <String>] [[-CertificatePassword] <SecureString>] [[-FolderForCertificateFile] <String>] 


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-CertificateInBase64 A pfx certificate in the base64 format false false
-CertificateSearchString A string representation on how to search for the certificate to import false false
-DefaultWebSiteHostName The host name to set the Default Web Site false false
-CertificatePassword The certificate password false false
-FolderForCertificateFile The folder where the base64 certificate will be saved into false false F:\Epicor\ERP10\ISV\Common\Certificate


Installs a certificate ito the Local Machine store
Install-CertificateFromBase64String -CertificateInBase64 "longstring" -CertificateSearchString "mydomainname.com" "mydomainname.com" (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "secret" -AsPlainText -Force)

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Install-Erp [[-E10Version] <String>] [[-installMediaDirectory] <String>] [[-e10MediaBlobUri] <String>] 
[[-blobContainerName] <String>] [[-e10MediaSAS] <String>] [[-udContainerName] <String>] [[-installersLocalPath] 
<String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-E10Version The Epicor ERP 10 version to install false false
-installMediaDirectory The directory where to save the installation media false false
-e10MediaBlobUri The storage account blob uri, defaults to the ISV program data false false https://e10media.blob.core.windows.net/
-blobContainerName The storage account blob container (folder) name where the iso and/or UD.exe files are located false false installers
-e10MediaSAS The Shared Access Signature that allows to download the specified e10 release, defaults to the ISV program data false false sv=2017-07-29&ss=b&srt=o&sp=r&se=2030-03-22T22:45:08Z&st=2018-03-22T14:45:08Z&spr=https&sig=eqQo9qI0ZXnwDifAHtGHJEt7cDp4Ik%2Bmdk1%2BFT0AoBg%3D
-udContainerName The storage account blob container (folder) name where UD.exe files are located, optional, if blank it'll default to
false false installers
-installersLocalPath A local path to where the installers .ISO and UD.exe files are located false false


The e10MediaBlobUri blob should have a container called installers where the iso and ud files are stored at if you don't provide one i.e. /installers/RL10.2.200.0.iso /installers/UD10.2.200.4.exe


Downloads the Epicor ERP version and the Update release
Install-Erp -E10Version ""
Downloads the Epicor ERP version 10.2.300.0
Install-Erp -E10Version "10.2.300.0"
Downloads the Epicor ERP version 10.2.300.0 from a different than the default blob uri (where the access level is public)
Install-Erp -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -e10MediaBlobUri "https://e10media.blob.core.windows.net/"
Downloads the Epicor ERP version 10.2.300.0 from a different than the default blob uri (where the access level is public)
and you want to store your iso files and ud files in a different container than 'installers' Install-Erp -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -e10MediaBlobUri "https://e10media.blob.core.windows.net/" -blobContainerName "myfiles"
Downloads the Epicor ERP version 10.2.300.0 from a different than the default blob uri, when you need a SAS to access the contents
Install-Erp -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -e10MediaBlobUri "https://e10media.blob.core.windows.net/" -e10MediaSAS "sv=2017-0 7-29&ss=b&srt=sco&sp=rwdlac&se=2027-05-16T23:00:13Z&st=2017-05-16T15:00:13Z&spr=https&sig=yWjisZJvJVJqtb5DW3zSTJeYSdbm5 XWWmSOtHQQ6G3g%3D"
Installs the Epicor ERP version 10.2.300.0 from a folder where the files are located
Install-Erp -E10version "10.2.300.0" -installersLocalPath "C:\E10Installers"
Installs the Epicor ERP version 10.2.300.0 from a shared folder where the files are located
Install-Erp -E10version "10.2.300.0" -installersLocalPath "\\myserver\E10Installers"

Top of page


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-E10Version None false false
-blobContainerName None false false
-e10MediaBlobUri None false false
-e10MediaSAS None false false
-installMediaDirectory None false false


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-ApplicationPoolName None false false
-ApplicationPoolUserName None false false
-ApplicationPoolUserPassword None false false
-ApplyAppserverPatches None false false
-AppserverName None false false
-CheckForBugFixes None false false
-ConfigureSsrsReports None false false
-CorsAllowedOrigins None false false
-CreateSsrsDatabase None false false
-CryptographyRegime None false false
-CustomDirectoriesToRemove None false false
-CustomDirectory None false false
-DNSIdentity None false false
-DeploymentDirectory None false false
-E10Version None false false
-EpicorDatabaseName None false false
-EpicorUserName None false false
-EpicorUserPassword None false false
-HttpBinding None false false
-HttpsBinding None false false
-LogFilesPath None false false
-NetTcpBinding None false false
-PreviousE10Version None false false
-SSLCertSubjectName None false false
-SSRSBaseUrl None false false
-SSRSImport None false false
-SSRSReportDirectory None false false
-ServerName None false false
-SetupEnvironmentPath None false false
-SsrsDatabaseName None false false
-SsrsInstallLocation None false false
-SsrsSqlServer None false false
-SsrsTargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity None false false
-SsrsTargetSqlPassword None false false
-SsrsTargetSqlUser None false false
-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity None false false
-TargetSqlPassword None false false
-TargetSqlServer None false false
-TargetSqlUser None false false
-UpdateSiteProperties None false false
-UpgradeSiteOnly None false false
-UseApppoolIdentity None false false
-WebSiteDirectory None false false


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-AdditionalConversions None false false
-E10Version None false false
-EpicorSmartClientFolder None false false
-EpicorUserName None false false
-EpicorUserPassword None false false
-LogFilesPath None false false
-NumberOfRetries None false false
-SysConfigFilePath None false false
-TimeoutInMinutes None false false


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Action None false false
-AzureSqlDatabaseSizeInGB None false false
-AzureSqlMaxDOP None false false
-AzureSqlServiceObjective None false false
-AzureSqlSupport None false false
-BackupDirectory None false false
-CheckForBugFixes None false false
-DatabaseName None false false
-DeploymentDirectory None false false
-E10Version None false false
-GenerateBackupAfterCompletion None false false
-LdfFilePathForToRestore None false false
-LogFilesPath None false false
-MdfFilePathForToRestore None false false
-RestoreDatabaseBackupPath None false false
-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity None false false
-TargetSqlPassword None false false
-TargetSqlServer None false false
-TargetSqlUser None false false


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-AppserverUri None false false
-CompaniesToLicense None false false
-DeploymentDirectory None false false
-E10Version None false false
-EndpointBinding None false false
-ErpDatabaseName None false false
-ErpUserName None false false
-ErpUserPassword None false false
-LicenseFilePath None false false
-LogFilesPath None false false
-ReplaceExistingLicense None false false
-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity None false false
-TargetSqlPassword None false false
-TargetSqlServer None false false
-TargetSqlUser None false false


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-DeploymentDirectory None false false
-DnsIdentity None false false
-E10Version None false false
-EpicorAppserverUri None false false
-EpicorBinding None false false
-EpicorUserName None false false
-EpicorUserPassword None false false
-LogFilesPath None false false
-MaxConcurrentTasks None false false
-MaxConnectionAttempts None false false
-OperationTimeout None false false
-RestartDelay None false false
-TaskAgentName None false false
-ValidateWcfCert None false false


Install-ErpAdminConsole [[-PathToAdminConsoleMsi] <String>] [[-LogFilesPath] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-PathToAdminConsoleMsi The location where the AdminConsole.msi is located at false false
-LogFilesPath The location where the log files will be saved to false false


Installs the adminconsole.msi from a directory
Install-ErpAdminConsole -PathToAdminConsoleMsi "C:\Epicor\Erp10\ERP10.2.200.0\SupplementalInstalls\Administration\" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp"

Top of page


Install-ErpAdminConsoleUpdater [[-AdminConsoleUpdaterExePath] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-AdminConsoleUpdaterExePath The location where the AdminConsoleUpdater.exe is located at false false


Installs the update from a directory
Install-ErpAdminConsoleUpdater -AdminConsoleUpdaterExePath "C:\Epicor\Erp10\ERP10.2.200.0\Updates\ERP10.2.200.5\SupplementalInstalls\AdministrationUpdates"

Top of page


Install-ErpAppserver [[-E10Version] <String>] [[-PreviousE10Version] <String>] [[-LogFilesPath] <String>] 
[[-AppserverName] <String>] [[-EpicorUserName] <String>] [[-EpicorUserPassword] <SecureString>] [[-UseApppoolIdentity] 
<Boolean>] [[-ApplicationPoolUserName] <String>] [[-ApplicationPoolUserPassword] <SecureString>] 
[[-EpicorDatabaseName] <String>] [[-HttpsBinding] <String>] [[-HttpBinding] <String>] [[-NetTcpBinding] <String>] 
[[-DNSIdentity] <String>] [[-ServerName] <String>] [[-CreateSsrsDatabase] <Boolean>] [[-ConfigureSsrsReports] 
<Boolean>] [[-SSRSImport] <Boolean>] [[-SsrsDatabaseName] <String>] [[-SsrsInstallLocation] <String>] 
[[-TargetSqlServer] <String>] [[-TargetSqlUser] <String>] [[-TargetSqlPassword] <SecureString>] 
[[-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity] <Boolean>] [[-SsrsSqlServer] <String>] [[-SsrsTargetSqlUser] <String>] 
[[-SsrsTargetSqlPassword] <SecureString>] [[-SsrsTargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity] <Boolean>] 
[[-WebSiteDirectory] <String>] [[-SSRSBaseUrl] <String>] [-CheckForBugFixes] [-UpgradeSiteOnly] 
[-UpdateSiteProperties] [[-CorsAllowedOrigins] <String>] [[-SSRSReportDirectory] <String>] [[-SSRSRoot] <String>] 
[[-CustomDirectory] <String>] [[-SSLCertSubjectName] <String>] [[-CustomDirectoriesToRemove] <String>] 
[[-DeploymentDirectory] <String>] [[-CryptographyRegime] <String>] [[-ApplicationPoolName] <String>] 
[[-SetupEnvironmentPath] <String>] [-ApplyAppserverPatches] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-E10Version The target E10 version to use false false
-PreviousE10Version The previous E10 version that the system is currently at (mandatory if you use -UpgradeSiteOnly when you want to
upgrade an existing site)
false false
-LogFilesPath The directory where the configuration Xml and log files will be saved to false false
-AppserverName The appserver name to use false false
-EpicorUserName The Epicor user name to login as false false
-EpicorUserPassword The Epicor user password to login as false false
-UseApppoolIdentity $true if you want to use the IIS embeded AppPoolIdentity false false False
-ApplicationPoolUserName If you set -UseApppoolIdentity as $false, specify this as the user to login the application pool as false false
-ApplicationPoolUserPassword If you set -UseApppoolIdentity as $false, specify this as the user password to login the application pool as false false
-EpicorDatabaseName The Epicor database name to use false false
-HttpsBinding One of the valid Https bindings available to use false false HttpsBinaryUsernameChannel
-HttpBinding One of the valid Http bindings available to use false false
-NetTcpBinding Specify one of the NetTcp bindings available to use false false
-DNSIdentity Dns identity to use for Ssl secured NetTcp bindings false false
-ServerName The current machine name where the application server is installed or upgraded false false
-CreateSsrsDatabase $true if an Epicor Temporary Ssrs database should be created false false True
-ConfigureSsrsReports If the Ssrs reports should be imported into the ReportServer database false false True
-SSRSImport If set to true it'll import the SSRS reports false false True
-SsrsDatabaseName The target Epicor Temporary Ssrs database false false
-SsrsInstallLocation The Ssrs installation location (i.e. Reporting Services\ReportServer directory location or Unc path) false false
-TargetSqlServer The Sql server location where the Erp database is saved, if you don't enter an -SsrsSqlServer value this parameter
will be used
false false
-TargetSqlUser The Sql server user where the Erp database is saved, if you don't enter an -SsrsTargetSqlUser value this parameter
will be used
false false
-TargetSqlPassword The Sql server user password where the Erp database is saved, if you don't enter an -SsrsTargetSqlPassword value this
parameter will be used
false false
-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity Specifies if the Sql connection should be made with the integrated security option, if you don't enter an
-SsrsTargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity value this parameter will be used
false false False
-SsrsSqlServer The Sql server location where the Erp Temporary reports database is saved false false
-SsrsTargetSqlUser The Sql server user to use where the Erp Temporary reports database is saved false false
-SsrsTargetSqlPassword The Sql server user password to use where the Erp Temporary reports database is saved false false
-SsrsTargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity Specifies if the Sql connection should be made with the integrated security option to use where the Erp Temporary
reports database is saved
false false False
-WebSiteDirectory The website directory where to store the Server\Assemblies and Server\Bin directories and other artifacts false false C:\inetpub\wwwroot
-SSRSBaseUrl The Ssrs base Uri (i.e. the ReportServer Uri http://localhost/ReportServer_SQL2016) false false http://localhost/ReportServer_SQL2016
-CheckForBugFixes Set if you want the installer to automatically install the latest optional patches for the current version false false False
-UpgradeSiteOnly Set if you want to upgrade an existing site, if set, also set the PreviousE10Version parameter false false False
-UpdateSiteProperties Set if you want to only update the properties of an existing site false false False
-CorsAllowedOrigins Set the CORS origins that you need to have for this site false false *
-SSRSReportDirectory Sets the reports directory if you need to override it, default is:
false false
-SSRSRoot Sets the SSRSRoot folder for the individual location where your reports will be stored at, if not provided the
appserver name will be used
false false
-CustomDirectory Custom CustomDirectory argument false false
-SSLCertSubjectName SSL Certificate Subject Name setting false false
-CustomDirectoriesToRemove Remove these custom directories from the AssemblyFileSystem appsetting upon a complete deployment, separated by
false false
-DeploymentDirectory Alertante deployment directory false false
-CryptographyRegime Starting from 10.2.300.0, Cryptography Regime defines the cryptography regime to use, available options are None and
false false None
-ApplicationPoolName Alternate application pool name, override if you want an application pool name other than the -AppserverName argument false false
-SetupEnvironmentPath false false
-ApplyAppserverPatches If you provide this argument existing patches found in the environment will be applied post-deployment of the appserver false false False


Installs a new Erp instance
Install-ErpAppserver -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -AppserverName "E10Live" ` -EpicorUserName "epicor" -EpicorUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -UseApppoolIdentity $true -ApplicationPoolUserName "machineName\manager" -ApplicationPoolUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "secret" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -EpicorDatabaseName "E10Live" -HttpsBinding "HttpsBinaryUsernameChannel" -DNSIdentity "mydomain.com" ` -ServerName "localhost" -CreateSsrsDatabase $true -ConfigureSsrsReports $true -SsrsDatabaseName "E10Live-TRD" ` -SsrsInstallLocation "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS13.SQL2016\Reporting Services\ReportServer" ` -TargetSqlServer "localhost\sql2016" -TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity $true -CheckForBugFixes
Upgrades an Erp instance
Install-ErpAppserver -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -AppserverName "E10Live" ` -EpicorUserName "epicor" -EpicorUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -UseApppoolIdentity $true -ApplicationPoolUserName "machineName\manager" -ApplicationPoolUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "secret" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -EpicorDatabaseName "E10Live" -HttpsBinding "HttpsBinaryUsernameChannel" -DNSIdentity "mydomain.com" ` -ServerName "localhost" -CreateSsrsDatabase $true -ConfigureSsrsReports $true -SsrsDatabaseName "E10Live-TRD" ` -SsrsInstallLocation "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS13.SQL2016\Reporting Services\ReportServer" ` -TargetSqlServer "localhost\sql2016" -TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity $true -CheckForBugFixes ` -PreviousE10Version "" -UpgradeSiteOnly
Updates the properties of a site
Install-ErpAppserver -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -AppserverName "E10Live" ` -EpicorUserName "epicor" -EpicorUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -UseApppoolIdentity $true -ApplicationPoolUserName "machineName\manager" -ApplicationPoolUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "secret" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -EpicorDatabaseName "E10Live" -HttpsBinding "HttpsBinaryUsernameChannel" -DNSIdentity "mydomain.com" ` -ServerName "localhost" -CreateSsrsDatabase $true -ConfigureSsrsReports $true -SsrsDatabaseName "E10Live-TRD" ` -SsrsInstallLocation "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS13.SQL2016\Reporting Services\ReportServer" ` -TargetSqlServer "localhost\sql2016" -TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity $true -CheckForBugFixes ` -UpdateSiteProperties
Installs a new Erp instance whilst also setting up logging to the error log stream
$toolPath ="C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Epicor Software\Application Server Manager Extensions\" $toolExeName = "\SetUpEnvironment\SetupEnvironmentUI.exe" $E10Version = "10.2.300.0" $toolLoggerName = "SetupEnvLogger" Add-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName ` -ToolVersionNumber $E10Version Install-ErpAppserver -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -AppserverName "E10Live" ` -EpicorUserName "epicor" -EpicorUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -UseApppoolIdentity $true -ApplicationPoolUserName "machineName\manager" -ApplicationPoolUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "secret" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -EpicorDatabaseName "E10Live" -HttpsBinding "HttpsBinaryUsernameChannel" -DNSIdentity "mydomain.com" ` -ServerName "localhost" -CreateSsrsDatabase $true -ConfigureSsrsReports $true -SsrsDatabaseName "E10Live-TRD" ` -SsrsInstallLocation "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS13.SQL2016\Reporting Services\ReportServer" ` -TargetSqlServer "localhost\sql2016" -TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity $true -CheckForBugFixes Remove-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName ` -ToolVersionNumber $E10Version

Top of page


Install-ErpDatabase [[-E10Version] <String>] [[-LogFilesPath] <String>] [[-DatabaseName] <String>] [[-Action] 
<String>] [[-TargetSqlServer] <String>] [[-TargetSqlUser] <String>] [[-TargetSqlPassword] <SecureString>] 
[[-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity] <Boolean>] [[-DeploymentDirectory] <String>] [-CheckForBugFixes] 
[-AzureSqlSupport] [[-AzureSqlServiceObjective] <String>] [[-AzureSqlDatabaseSizeInGB] <Int32>] [[-AzureSqlMaxDOP] 
<Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-E10Version The Epicor ERP 10 version to use to create/update the database false false
-LogFilesPath The directory where the Xml configuration and other log files will be saved into false false
-DatabaseName The target database name to use false false
-Action The action to perform, either CreateDemoDB, UpgradeDB or CreateDB (Empty database)
WARNING: If you use the CreateDemoDB or CreateDB you will have to delete the target database if it already exists
false false CreateDemoDB
-TargetSqlServer The SQL server where the database will be/is false false
-TargetSqlUser The Sql user to use to login false false
-TargetSqlPassword The Sql password to use to login false false
-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity Set as true if the Sql connection should be performed using integrated security false false False
-DeploymentDirectory Alternate deployment directory if your E10 install isn't located at the C:\Epicor\ERP10 directory false false
-CheckForBugFixes Set if you want the installer to automatically install the latest optional patches for the current version false false False
-AzureSqlSupport Adds support for deploying an Erp 10 database into Azure Sql (Please reinstall the Epicor Administration console if
you'd like to remove this support)
false false False
-AzureSqlServiceObjective Azure Sql database service objective, for more information review the SERVICE_OBJECTIVE from the following link:
false false S2
-AzureSqlDatabaseSizeInGB Size to setup your database (can be modified later through the Azure portal or through other means) in GB false false 250
-AzureSqlMaxDOP Max degree of parallelism used for heavy parallelized loads from the DBMigration program, allows for you to use small
service objectives (like S2)
false false 4


Creates an empty database
Install-ErpDatabase -E10Version "" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -DatabaseName "E10Live" -Action "CreateDB" -TargetSqlServer "localhost\sql2016" ` -TargetSqlUser "sa" -TargetSqlPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "secret" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity $false
Creates a Demo database
Install-ErpDatabase -E10Version "" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -DatabaseName "E10Live" -Action "CreateDemoDB" -TargetSqlServer "localhost\sql2016" ` -TargetSqlUser "sa" -TargetSqlPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "secret" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity $false
Upgrades an existing database
Install-ErpDatabase -E10Version "" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -DatabaseName "E10Live" -Action "UpgradeDB" -TargetSqlServer "localhost\sql2016" ` -TargetSqlUser "sa" -TargetSqlPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "secret" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity $false
Installs a database whilst also setting up logging to the error log stream
$toolPath ="C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Epicor Software\Database Manager Extensions\" $toolExeName = "\DB Migration\Epicor.MigrationConfigurator.exe" $E10Version = "10.2.300.0" $toolLoggerName = "DBMigration" Add-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName ` -ToolVersionNumber $E10Version Install-ErpDatabase -E10Version "" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -DatabaseName "E10Live" -Action "CreateDB" -TargetSqlServer "localhost\sql2016" ` -TargetSqlUser "sa" -TargetSqlPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "secret" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity $false Remove-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName ` -ToolVersionNumber $E10Version

Top of page


Install-ErpEducation [[-E10Version] <String>] [[-LogFilesPath] <String>] [[-ErpAppserverName] <String>] 
[[-EducationSiteName] <String>] [[-WebSiteDirectory] <String>] [[-ServerName] <String>] [[-EpicorUserName] <String>] 
[[-EpicorUserPassword] <SecureString>] [-UpgradeEducationSite] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-E10Version The E10 version to use false false
-LogFilesPath The directory where the configuration Xml and log files will be saved to false false
-ErpAppserverName The Epicor Appserver name to connect to this instance false false
-EducationSiteName The Epicor Erp Education site name false false
-WebSiteDirectory The location where the Epicor Erp Education site will be installed to false false C:\inetpub\wwwroot
-ServerName The name of the machine where the Education site will be installed to false false
-EpicorUserName The Epicor user name to use to connect the Education site to the Epicor Erp site false false
-EpicorUserPassword The Epicor user password to use to connect the Education site to the Epicor Erp site false false
-UpgradeEducationSite Set if you want an existing site to be upgraded to a newer release, it'll delete and recreate your existing site false false False


Installs a new Epicor Erp Education site
Install-ErpEducation -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -ErpAppserverName "E10Live" ` -ServerName "machineName" -EpicorUserName "epicor" -EpicorUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force)
Installs a new Epicor Erp Education site while removing a previous version of it
Install-ErpEducation -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -ErpAppserverName "E10Live" ` -ServerName "machineName" -EpicorUserName "epicor" -EpicorUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -UpgradeEducationSite
Installs a new Epicor Erp Education site whilst also setting up logging to the error log stream
$toolPath ="C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Epicor Software\Application Server Manager Extensions\" $toolExeName = "\SetUpEnvironment\SetupEnvironmentUI.exe" $E10Version = "10.2.300.0" $toolLoggerName = "SetupEnvLogger" Add-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName ` -ToolVersionNumber $E10Version Install-ErpEducation -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -ErpAppserverName "E10Live" ` -ServerName "machineName" -EpicorUserName "epicor" -EpicorUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force) Remove-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName ` -ToolVersionNumber $E10Version

Top of page


Install-ErpEnterpriseSearch [[-E10Version] <String>] [[-LogFilesPath] <String>] [[-ErpAppserverName] <String>] 
[[-ServerName] <String>] [[-WebSiteInstallDirectory] <String>] [[-CreateDatabase] <String>] [[-ServiceAcctType] 
<String>] [[-ServiceUser] <String>] [[-ServiceUserPassword] <SecureString>] [[-TargetSqlServer] <String>] 
[[-TargetSqlUser] <String>] [[-TargetSqlPassword] <SecureString>] [[-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity] 
<Boolean>] [[-DatabaseName] <String>] [-UpgradeEnterpriseSearch] [[-DeploymentDirectory] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-E10Version The E10 version to use false false
-LogFilesPath The location where the configuration Xml and log files will be stored at false false
-ErpAppserverName The Epicor Erp server name to use false false
-ServerName The current machine name false false
-WebSiteInstallDirectory The location where to install the Enterprise Search Web mode site to false false C:\inetpub\wwwroot\
-CreateDatabase Set to $true if you want to create an Enterprise search database false false True
-ServiceAcctType A valid service account type, either LocalService/LocalSystem/NetworkService/User are valid false false LocalSystem
-ServiceUser If you specify -ServiceAcctType as User enter a windows user name here false false
-ServiceUserPassword If you specify -ServiceAcctType as User enter a windows user password here false false
-TargetSqlServer The database where the Enterprise Search database is located at false false
-TargetSqlUser The Sql user to login as false false
-TargetSqlPassword The Sql user password to login as false false
-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity Set to $true if you want to use the Sql server's integrated security option false false False
-DatabaseName The Enterprise Search database name false false
-UpgradeEnterpriseSearch Set if you want to delete a previous Enterprise Search installation and install a new one false false False
-DeploymentDirectory Alternate directory where the Enterprise Search is installed at false false


Installs an Enterprise Search using a service user account
Install-ErpEnterpriseSearch -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -ErpAppserverName "E10Live" ` -ServerName "machineName" -ServiceAcctType "User" -ServiceUser "machineName\manager" ` -ServiceUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "secret" -AsPlainText -Force) -TargetSqlServer "localhost\sql2016" ` -TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity $false -DatabaseName "Shared-EES"
Installs an Enterprise Search using the LocalSystem account
Install-ErpEnterpriseSearch -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -ErpAppserverName "E10Live" ` -ServerName "machineName" -ServiceAcctType "LocalSystem" -TargetSqlServer "localhost\sql2016" ` -TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity $false -DatabaseName "Shared-EES"
Installs an Enterprise Search using a service user account whilst also setting up logging to the error log stream
$toolPath ="C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Epicor Software\Application Server Manager Extensions\" $toolExeName = "\SetUpEnvironment\SetupEnvironmentUI.exe" $E10Version = "10.2.300.0" $toolLoggerName = "SetupEnvLogger" Add-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName ` -ToolVersionNumber $E10Version Install-ErpEnterpriseSearch -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -ErpAppserverName "E10Live" ` -ServerName "machineName" -ServiceAcctType "User" -ServiceUser "machineName\manager" ` -ServiceUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "secret" -AsPlainText -Force) -TargetSqlServer "localhost\sql2016" ` -TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity $false -DatabaseName "Shared-EES" Remove-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName ` -ToolVersionNumber $E10Version

Top of page


Install-ErpHelp [[-E10Version] <String>] [[-LogFilesPath] <String>] [[-ErpAppserverName] <String>] 
[[-WebSiteDirectory] <String>] [[-HelpSiteName] <String>] [[-ServerName] <String>] [[-UseApppoolIdentity] <Boolean>] 
[[-ApplicationPoolUserName] <String>] [[-ApplicationPoolUserPassword] <SecureString>] [-UpgradeHelp] 


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-E10Version The E10 version to use false false
-LogFilesPath The location where the configuration Xml and log files will be stored at false false
-ErpAppserverName The Epicor Appserver name to use false false
-WebSiteDirectory The location where the Help site will be saved into false false C:\inetpub\wwwroot
-HelpSiteName The name of the Help site false false
-ServerName The machine name where the help site will be installed to false false
-UseApppoolIdentity Set to $true if you want to use the built in Application Pool identity false false True
-ApplicationPoolUserName If -UseApppoolIdentity is set to $false, specify a windows user name to connect as false false
-ApplicationPoolUserPassword If -UseApppoolIdentity is set to $false, specify a windows user password to connect as false false
-UpgradeHelp Set if you want to upgrade an existing help site by removing an old installation false false False


Installs an ERP Help site
Install-ErpHelp -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -ErpAppserverName "E10Live" ` -HelpSiteName "E10Live-Help" -ServerName "machineName" ` -ApplicationPoolUserName "machineName\manager" -ApplicationPoolUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force)
Installs an ERP Help site whilst also setting up logging to the error log stream
$toolPath ="C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Epicor Software\Application Server Manager Extensions\" $toolExeName = "\SetUpEnvironment\SetupEnvironmentUI.exe" $E10Version = "10.2.300.0" $toolLoggerName = "SetupEnvLogger" Add-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName ` -ToolVersionNumber $E10Version Install-ErpHelp -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -ErpAppserverName "E10Live" ` -HelpSiteName "E10Live-Help" -ServerName "machineName" ` -ApplicationPoolUserName "machineName\manager" -ApplicationPoolUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force) Remove-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName ` -ToolVersionNumber $E10Version

Top of page


Install-ErpLicense [[-LicenseFilePath] <String>] [[-LogFilesPath] <String>] [[-E10Version] <String>] [[-AppserverUri] 
<String>] [[-ErpUserName] <String>] [[-ErpUserPassword] <SecureString>] [[-EndpointBinding] <String>] 
[[-CompaniesToLicense] <String[]>] [-ReplaceExistingLicense] [[-ErpDatabaseName] <String>] [[-TargetSqlServer] 
<String>] [[-TargetSqlUser] <String>] [[-TargetSqlPassword] <SecureString>] 
[[-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity] <Boolean>] [[-DeploymentDirectory] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-LicenseFilePath The file path where the .lic file to install is located at false false
-LogFilesPath The directory where the configuration Xml and log files will be stored at false false
-E10Version The E10 version to use false false
-AppserverUri The appserver Rest endpoint Uri of the Erp intance false false
-ErpUserName The Erp user name to login as false false
-ErpUserPassword The Erp user password to login as false false
-EndpointBinding A valid endpoint binding to use to connect to E10 false false
-CompaniesToLicense An array of companies to license @("CompanyA","CompanyB") false false ("EPIC01", "EPIC02", "EPIC03", "EPIC04", "EPIC05", "EPIC06", "EPIC07", "GPC", "EPICPF")
-ReplaceExistingLicense Set if you want to replace the current license being imported, set to true when the license to import already exists
in the DB, i.e. when you upgrade it after expiration
false false False
-ErpDatabaseName The Erp database name false false
-TargetSqlServer The Sql server where the E10 database is located at false false
-TargetSqlUser The Sql user to login as false false
-TargetSqlPassword The Sql user password to login as false false
-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity Set to $true if you want to use Sql Server's intragrated security false false False
-DeploymentDirectory Alternate deployment directory false false


Installs a new license
Install-ErpLicense -LicenseFilePath "C:\temp\license.lic" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -AppserverUri "https://localhost/erpserver" ` -ErpUserName "epicor" -ErpUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -EndpointBinding "HttpsBinaryUsernameChannel" -ErpDatabaseName "E10Live" ` -TargetSqlServer "localhost\sql2016" -TargetSqlUser "sa" -TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity $false ` -TargetSqlPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "secret" -AsPlainText -Force)
Installs a new license but removes it first if it already exists
Install-ErpLicense -LicenseFilePath "C:\temp\license.lic" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -AppserverUri "https://localhost/erpserver" ` -ErpUserName "epicor" -ErpUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -EndpointBinding "HttpsBinaryUsernameChannel" -ErpDatabaseName "E10Live" ` -TargetSqlServer "localhost\sql2016" -TargetSqlUser "sa" -TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity $false ` -TargetSqlPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "secret" -AsPlainText -Force) -ReplaceExistingLicense

Top of page


Install-ErpPrerequisites [<CommonParameters>]


Installs the prerequisites necessary to install an ERP instance in a Windows client OS

Top of page


Install-ErpPrerequisitesForWindowsServer [<CommonParameters>]


Installs the prerequisites necessary to install an ERP instance in a Windows server OS

Top of page


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-E10Version None false false


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Base64Certificate None false false
-Base64Password None false false
-InstallSelfSignedCertificate None false false


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-CheckForBugFixes None false false
-E10Version None false false


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-E10Version None false false


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-AppserverName None false false
-WebSiteDirectory None false false


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-DatabaseName None false false
-DeploymentDirectory None false false
-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity None false false
-TargetSqlPassword None false false
-TargetSqlServer None false false
-TargetSqlUser None false false


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value


List-FeatureFlag [[-EpicorSmartClientFolder] <String>] [[-LogFilesPath] <String>] [[-SysConfigFilePath] <String>] 
[[-EpicorUserName] <String>] [[-EpicorUserPassword] <SecureString>] [[-ListFeaturesForUser] <String>] 


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-EpicorSmartClientFolder The Epicor Erp smart client directory false false
-LogFilesPath The location where the configuration Xml and log files will be saved to false false
-SysConfigFilePath The Sysconfig file path to login with false false
-EpicorUserName The Epicor user name to use false false
-EpicorUserPassword The Epicor user password to use false false
-ListFeaturesForUser If you specify ListFeatures you can specify a user name to list the features of a different user than the current user
from EpicorUserName
false false


Lists the feature flags of the current user
List-FeatureFlag -EpicorSmartClientFolder "C:\te\What\Client" -LogFilesPath "C:\te\What\Client" ` -SysConfigFilePath "C:\te\What\Client\Config\erpstage.sysconfig" ` -EpicorUserName "manager" -EpicorUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "Epicor123" -AsPlainText -Force)
Lists the feature flags of an specific user
List-FeatureFlag -EpicorSmartClientFolder "C:\te\What\Client" -LogFilesPath "C:\te\What\Client" ` -SysConfigFilePath "C:\te\What\Client\Config\erpstage.sysconfig" ` -EpicorUserName "manager" -EpicorUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "Epicor123" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -ListFeaturesForUser "epicor"

Top of page


New-ErpReportDatabase [[-E10TemporaryReportsSqlServerName] <String>] [[-E10TemporaryReportsDatabaseName] <String>] 
[[-DbUser] <String>] [[-DbPassword] <String>] [[-E10Version] <String>] [[-DeploymentDirectory] <String>] 


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-E10TemporaryReportsSqlServerName The name of the Erp temporary reports Sql Server name false false
-E10TemporaryReportsDatabaseName The name of the Erp temporary reports Sql Server database name false false
-DbUser User to connect to when creating the Ssrs database, omit this and DbPassword for integrated security false false
-DbPassword User password to connect to when creating the Ssrs database, omit this and DbUser for integrated security false false
-E10Version E10 version false false
-DeploymentDirectory Deployment directory where the SetupEnvironment.exe is located at false false


Creates a new E10 temporary database with the name ErpTempReports
New-ErpReportDatabase -E10TemporaryReportsSqlServerName "localhost\sql2016" -E10TemporaryReportsDatabaseName "ErpTempReports" -DbUser "secure" -DbPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "secret" -AsPlainText -Force) -E10Version "10.2.300.0"

Top of page


New-SqlDbBackup [[-BackupLocation] <String>] [[-DatabaseToBackupName] <String>] [[-BackupDescription] <String>] 
[[-TargetSqlServer] <String>] [[-TargetSqlUser] <String>] [[-TargetSqlPassword] <SecureString>] 
[[-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-BackupLocation The location where to store the Sql backup false false
-DatabaseToBackupName The database to backup name false false
-BackupDescription The description to give the backup false false
-TargetSqlServer The local Sql instance to use false false
-TargetSqlUser The Sql user to use false false
-TargetSqlPassword The Sql password to use false false
-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity Set to $true if you want to use the Sql integrated security option false false False


Creates a new Sql database backup
New-SqlDbBackup "C:\temp\E10Backup.bak" "E10Live" "E10Live-Full Database Backup" "localhost\sql2016" "sa" (ConvertTo-SecureString "secret" -AsPlainText -Force) $false

Top of page


Remove-Database [[-DatabaseName] <String>] [[-TargetSqlServer] <String>] [[-TargetSqlUser] <String>] 
[[-TargetSqlPassword] <SecureString>] [[-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-DatabaseName Database name to remove false false
-TargetSqlServer Sql server where the database will be removed false false
-TargetSqlUser Sql server user name to use false false
-TargetSqlPassword Sql server user password to use false false
-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity Set to $true if you want to use Sql Server's integrated security option false false False


Removes a database from a Sql server
Remove-Database -DatabaseName "E10Live-TRD" -TargetSqlServer "localhost\sql2016" ` -TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity $true

Top of page


Remove-EnterpriseSearch [[-E10Version] <String>] [[-LogFilesPath] <String>] [[-ErpAppserverName] <String>] 
[[-ServerName] <String>] [[-WebSiteInstallDirectory] <String>] [[-CreateDatabase] <String>] [[-ServiceAcctType] 
<String>] [[-ServiceUser] <String>] [[-ServiceUserPassword] <SecureString>] [[-TargetSqlServer] <String>] 
[[-TargetSqlUser] <String>] [[-TargetSqlPassword] <SecureString>] [[-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity] 
<Boolean>] [[-DatabaseName] <String>] [[-SetupEnvironmentDirectory] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-E10Version The E10 version to use false false
-LogFilesPath The location where the configuration Xml and log files will be stored at false false
-ErpAppserverName The Epicor Erp server name to use false false
-ServerName The current machine name false false
-WebSiteInstallDirectory The location where to install the Enterprise Search Web mode site to false false C:\inetpub\wwwroot\
-CreateDatabase Set to $true if you want to create an Enterprise search database false false True
-ServiceAcctType A valid service account type, either LocalService/LocalSystem/NetworkService/User are valid false false LocalSystem
-ServiceUser If you specify -ServiceAcctType as User enter a windows user name here false false
-ServiceUserPassword If you specify -ServiceAcctType as User enter a windows user password here false false
-TargetSqlServer The database where the Enterprise Search database is located at false false
-TargetSqlUser The Sql user to login as false false
-TargetSqlPassword The Sql user password to login as false false
-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity Set to $true if you want to use the Sql server's integrated security option false false False
-DatabaseName The Enterprise Search database name false false
-SetupEnvironmentDirectory Location where the SetupEnvironmentUI.exe is located at false false


Removes an Enterprise Search using a service user account
Remove-EnterpriseSearch -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -ErpAppserverName "E10Live" ` -ServerName "machineName" -ServiceAcctType "User" -ServiceUser "machineName\manager" ` -ServiceUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "secret" -AsPlainText -Force) -TargetSqlServer "localhost\sql2016" ` -TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity $false -DatabaseName "Shared-EES"
Removes an Enterprise Search using the LocalSystem account
Remove-EnterpriseSearch -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -ErpAppserverName "E10Live" ` -ServerName "machineName" -ServiceAcctType "LocalSystem" -TargetSqlServer "localhost\sql2016" ` -TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity $false -DatabaseName "Shared-EES"
Removes an Enterprise Search using a service user account whilst also setting up logging to the error log stream
$toolPath ="C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Epicor Software\Application Server Manager Extensions\" $toolExeName = "\SetUpEnvironment\SetupEnvironmentUI.exe" $E10Version = "10.2.300.0" $toolLoggerName = "SetupEnvLogger" Add-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName ` -ToolVersionNumber $E10Version Remove-EnterpriseSearch -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -ErpAppserverName "E10Live" ` -ServerName "machineName" -ServiceAcctType "User" -ServiceUser "machineName\manager" ` -ServiceUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "secret" -AsPlainText -Force) -TargetSqlServer "localhost\sql2016" ` -TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity $false -DatabaseName "Shared-EES" Remove-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName ` -ToolVersionNumber $E10Version

Top of page


Remove-EnterpriseSearchIndex [[-LogFilesPath] <String>] [[-IndexName] <String>] [-CheckForBugFixes] 


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-LogFilesPath Location where the configuration Xml and log files will be stored at false false
-IndexName The index name to remove false false
-CheckForBugFixes Set if you want to check for the latest bug fixes to apply false false False


Remove-EnterpriseSearchIndex -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -IndexName "E10LiveIndex" -CheckForBugFixes

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Remove-ErpEducation [[-E10Version] <String>] [[-LogFilesPath] <String>] [[-ErpAppserverName] <String>] 
[[-EducationSiteName] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-E10Version The E10 version to use false false
-LogFilesPath The location where the configuration Xml and log files will be stored at false false
-ErpAppserverName The Epicor Erp appserver name to use false false
-EducationSiteName The Education site name to remove false false


Removes an Epicor Education site
Remove-ErpEducation -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -ErpAppserverName "E10live" -EducationSiteName "E10Live-EE"
Removes an Epicor Education site whilst also setting up logging to the error log stream
$toolPath ="C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Epicor Software\Application Server Manager Extensions\" $toolExeName = "\SetUpEnvironment\SetupEnvironmentUI.exe" $E10Version = "10.2.300.0" $toolLoggerName = "SetupEnvLogger" Add-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName ` -ToolVersionNumber $E10Version Remove-ErpEducation -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -ErpAppserverName "E10live" -EducationSiteName "E10Live-EE" Remove-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName ` -ToolVersionNumber $E10Version

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Remove-ErpHelp [[-E10Version] <String>] [[-LogFilesPath] <String>] [[-ErpAppserverName] <String>] [[-HelpSiteName] 
<String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-E10Version The E10 version to use false false
-LogFilesPath The location where the configuration Xml and log files are located at false false
-ErpAppserverName The Epicor Appserver to use false false
-HelpSiteName The Help site name to remove false false


Removes an ERP Help site
Remove-ErpHelp -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -ErpAppserverName "E10Live" -HelpSiteName "E10Live-Help"
Removes an ERP Help site whilst also setting up logging to the error log stream
$toolPath ="C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Epicor Software\Application Server Manager Extensions\" $toolExeName = "\SetUpEnvironment\SetupEnvironmentUI.exe" $E10Version = "10.2.300.0" $toolLoggerName = "SetupEnvLogger" Add-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName ` -ToolVersionNumber $E10Version Remove-ErpHelp -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -ErpAppserverName "E10Live" -HelpSiteName "E10Live-Help" Remove-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName ` -ToolVersionNumber $E10Version

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Remove-ErpLicense [[-LicenseFilePath] <String>] [[-ErpDatabaseName] <String>] [[-TargetSqlServer] <String>] 
[[-TargetSqlUser] <String>] [[-TargetSqlPassword] <SecureString>] [[-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity] 
<Boolean>] [[-AppserverUri] <String>] [[-ErpUserName] <String>] [[-ErpUserPassword] <SecureString>] 
[[-DeploymentDirectory] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-LicenseFilePath The path of the license to remove false false
-ErpDatabaseName The E10 database name false false
-TargetSqlServer The Sql server name or instance where the database is located at false false
-TargetSqlUser The Sql user to use false false
-TargetSqlPassword The Sql user password to use false false
-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity Specifies if the integrated security option should be used false false False
-AppserverUri Sets the appserver Rest endpoint Uri of the existing E10 installation false false
-ErpUserName The user to login as to the Erp to delete the license false false
-ErpUserPassword The user password to login as to the Erp to delete the license false false
-DeploymentDirectory Alternate deployment directory false false


Removes a license from an Erp instance
Remove-ErpLicense "C:\temp\license.lic" "E10Live" "localhost\sql2016" "sa" (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "secret" -AsPlainText -Force) $false "https://serverName/ErpInstance" "epicor" (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force)

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Remove-TaskAgent [[-E10Version] <String>] [[-LogFilesPath] <String>] [[-TaskAgentName] <String>] 
[[-DeploymentDirectory] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-E10Version The E10 version to use false false
-LogFilesPath The location where configuration Xml files and log files are stored at false false
-TaskAgentName The Task Agent name to remove false false
-DeploymentDirectory Alternate location where the task agent is installed at false false


Removes a task agent
Remove-TaskAgent -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "c:\temp" -TaskAgentName "E10LiveAgent"
Removes a task agent whilst also setting up logging to the error log stream
$toolExeName = "TaskAgentServiceConfiguration.exe" $E10Version = "10.2.300.0" $splitVersionNumber = [System.Version]::new($E10Version) $baseIceVersion = [System.Version]::new($splitVersionNumber.Major - 7, $splitVersionNumber.Minor, $splitVersionNumber.Build, 0).ToString() $toolPath ="C:\Program Files (x86)\Epicor Software\Epicor Task Agent Service $baseIceVersion\" $toolLoggerName = "TaskAgentCL" Add-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName Remove-TaskAgent -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "c:\temp" -TaskAgentName "E10LiveAgent" Remove-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName

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Remove-TracingLog [[-ToolLoggerName] <String>] [[-ToolPath] <String>] [[-ToolExeName] <String>] [[-ToolVersionNumber] 
<String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-ToolLoggerName Name of the logger of the tool to trace false false
-ToolPath The path to the tool if you have it false false
-ToolExeName Name of the exe, can include an extra path, so that you could say DBMigration\My.exe false false
-ToolVersionNumber Version number to use (for ICE applications), this will be combined after the ToolPath argument then the ToolExe
argument so that
your string will look like:
false false


Removes the trace logger to the SetupEnvironmentUI.exe tool
$toolPath ="C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Epicor Software\Application Server Manager Extensions\3.2.400\SetUpEnvironment" Remove-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName "SetupEnvCl" -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName "SetupEnvironmentUI.exe"
Removes the trace logger to the SetupEnvironmentUI.exe tool, if you want the script to setup the version number for you
$toolPath ="C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Epicor Software\Application Server Manager Extensions\" Remove-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName "SetupEnvCl" -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName "\SetUpEnvironment\SetupEnvironmentUI.exe" ` -ToolVersionNumber "10.2.400.0"

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Reset-ErpConnectionStrings [[-UserName] <String>] [[-Password] <SecureString>] [[-AppserverName] <String>] 
[[-TargetSqlServer] <String>] [[-WebConfigFullPath] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-UserName The user that will be processed false false
-Password The password for the provided user false false
-AppserverName The name of the Appserver, this is the name of the ERP 10 databse false false
-TargetSqlServer The name of target sql server false false
-WebConfigFullPath The full path of the web.config file false false


Sets the connection strings of an ERP instance to the arguments passed
Reset-ErpConnectionStrings -UserName "Customer008" -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "Customer09876!" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -AppserverName "Mytenant" -TargetSqlServer "MyServer\SQL2016" -WebConfigFullPath "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Customer008\Server\web.config"

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Reset-ErpUserPassword [[-EpicorAppserverUri] <String>] [[-UserName] <String>] [[-ERPUserName] <String>] 
[[-ERPPassword] <SecureString>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-EpicorAppserverUri Local domain for erp environment false false
-UserName User name for password reset false false
-ERPUserName Existing user in the erp to run the user validation false false
-ERPPassword Password for the existing erp user false false


Resets the password of a user
Reset-ErpUserPassword -EpicorAppserverUri "https://machinename.developer.epicor.com/myEnvironment" -UserName "manager" ` -ERPUserName "epicor" -ERPPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force)

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Restore-DatabaseBackup [[-BackupLocation] <String>] [[-RestoredDBName] <String>] [[-TargetSqlServer] <String>] 
[[-TargetSqlUser] <String>] [[-TargetSqlPassword] <SecureString>] [[-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity] 
<Boolean>] [[-MdfFileLocation] <String>] [[-LdfFileLocation] <String>] [-RemoteBackupRestore] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-BackupLocation The .bak (or other backup file type) location false false
-RestoredDBName The target name of the db after it is restored false false
-TargetSqlServer The Sql Server name or instance where the db will be restored to false false
-TargetSqlUser The Sql user to use false false
-TargetSqlPassword The Sql password to use false false
-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity Set to $true if you want to use the Sql integrated security option false false False
-MdfFileLocation Target location where the Mdf file will be stored at false false F:\Data
-LdfFileLocation Target location where the Ldf file will be stored at false false F:\Log
-RemoteBackupRestore Skips checks to review if the backup file exists in the current server false false False


Restores a backup using Sql authentication
Restore-DatabaseBackup -BackupLocation "C:\temp\E10.bak" -RestoredDBName "MyCopiedDB" -TargetSqlServer "localhost\sql2016" -TargetSqlUser "sa" -TargetSqlPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString "secret" -AsPlainText -Force) -TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity $false
Restores a backup using integrated security
Restore-DatabaseBackup -BackupLocation "C:\temp\E10.bak" -RestoredDBName "MyCopiedDB" -TargetSqlServer "localhost\sql2016" -TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity $true
Restores a backup overriding the final location of the Mdf and Ldf files
Restore-DatabaseBackup -MdfFileLocation "C:\DB\Data" -LdfFileLocation "C:\DB\Log" -BackupLocation "C:\temp\E10.bak" -RestoredDBName "MyCopiedDB" -TargetSqlServer "localhost\sql2016" -TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity $true

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Run-FeatureFlag [[-EpicorSmartClientFolder] <String>] [[-LogFilesPath] <String>] [[-SysConfigFilePath] <String>] 
[[-EpicorUserName] <String>] [[-EpicorUserPassword] <SecureString>] [-EnableFeature] [-DisableFeature] 
[[-FeatureToEnableOrDisable] <String>] [[-Level] <String>] [[-Target] <String>] [-ListFeatures] 
[[-ListFeaturesForUser] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-EpicorSmartClientFolder The Epicor Erp smart client directory false false
-LogFilesPath The location where the configuration Xml and log files will be saved to false false
-SysConfigFilePath The Sysconfig file path to login with false false
-EpicorUserName The Epicor user name to use false false
-EpicorUserPassword The Epicor user password to use false false
-EnableFeature Enables a feature false false False
-DisableFeature Disables a feature false false False
-FeatureToEnableOrDisable Feature id to enable or disable false false
-Level One of System, Tenant, Company, Group or User false false
-Target The identifier for the level (for example, user ID). Not needed for System. false false
-ListFeatures Lists the features of the current user false false False
-ListFeaturesForUser If you specify ListFeatures you can specify a user name to list the features of a different user than the current user
from EpicorUserName
false false


Set-ErpSsrsServer [[-ClientDirectory] <String>] [[-MicrosoftSsrsProgramDirectory] <String>] [[-E10Version] <String>] 
[[-DeploymentDirectory] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-ClientDirectory The Erp client directory false false
-MicrosoftSsrsProgramDirectory The path where your SSRS is installed at typically "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
Server\MSRS<SqlVersion>.<InstanceName>\Reporting Services\ReportServer\"
false false
-E10Version E10 version false false
-DeploymentDirectory Deployment directory where the SetupEnvironment.exe is located at false false


Configure the SqlInstance SQL 2016 SSRS directory
Set-ErpSsrsServer -ClientDirectory "C:\Epicor\LocalClients\E10Live" -MicrosoftSsrsProgramDirectory "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS13.SqlInstance\Reporting Services\ReportServer\" -E10Version "10.2.300.0"

Top of page


Set-IdentityProviderFeatureFlag [[-EpicorSmartClientFolder] <String>] [[-LogFilesPath] <String>] [[-SysConfigFilePath] 
<String>] [[-EpicorUserName] <String>] [[-EpicorUserPassword] <SecureString>] [[-Enable] <Boolean>] 


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-EpicorSmartClientFolder The Epicor Erp smart client directory false false
-LogFilesPath The location where the configuration Xml and log files will be saved to false false
-SysConfigFilePath The Sysconfig file path to login with false false
-EpicorUserName The Epicor user name to use false false
-EpicorUserPassword The Epicor user password to use false false
-Enable Enables or disables the Identity Provider feature flag false false False


The Epicor ERP user that you enter needs to be a Global Security Manager


Set-IdentityProviderFeatureFlag -EpicorSmartClientFolder "C:\agent\Idp\E10\Client" -LogFilesPath "C:\agent\Idp\Log" `
-SysConfigFilePath "C:\agent\Idp\E10\Client\config\erpstage.sysconfig" ` -EpicorUserName "manager" -EpicorUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "Epicor123" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -Enable $false Disables the Identity Provider feature flag
Set-IdentityProviderFeatureFlag -EpicorSmartClientFolder "C:\agent\Idp\E10\Client" -LogFilesPath "C:\agent\Idp\Log" `
-SysConfigFilePath "C:\agent\Idp\E10\Client\config\erpstage.sysconfig" ` -EpicorUserName "manager" -EpicorUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "Epicor123" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -Enable $true Enables the Identity Provider feature flag

Top of page


Set-Idpconfig -E10Version <String> -LogFilesPath <String> [-DeleteConfig] -AppserverName <String> 
[-DeploymentDirectory <String>] -EpicorDatabaseName <String> -TargetSqlServer <String> [-TargetSqlUser <String>] 
[-TargetSqlPassword <SecureString>] [-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity] [-CheckForBugFixes] 

Set-Idpconfig -E10Version <String> -LogFilesPath <String> [-UpdateConfig] -AppserverName <String> [-Endpoint <String>] 
[-Enabled] [-TokenValidationApiScope <String>] [-NativeClientID <String>] [-WebClientID <String>] [-ServerOnlyClientID 
<String>] [-ServerOnlyClientSecret <String>] [-UserExportEnabled] [-UserExportClientID <String>] 
[-UserExportClientSecret <String>] [-UserExportApiScope <String>] [-DeploymentDirectory <String>] -EpicorDatabaseName 
<String> -TargetSqlServer <String> [-TargetSqlUser <String>] [-TargetSqlPassword <SecureString>] 
[-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity] [-CheckForBugFixes] [<CommonParameters>]

Set-Idpconfig -E10Version <String> -LogFilesPath <String> [-CreateConfig] -AppserverName <String> [-Endpoint <String>] 
[-Enabled] [-TokenValidationApiScope <String>] [-NativeClientID <String>] [-WebClientID <String>] [-ServerOnlyClientID 
<String>] [-ServerOnlyClientSecret <String>] [-UserExportEnabled] [-UserExportClientID <String>] 
[-UserExportClientSecret <String>] [-UserExportApiScope <String>] [-DeploymentDirectory <String>] -EpicorDatabaseName 
<String> -TargetSqlServer <String> [-TargetSqlUser <String>] [-TargetSqlPassword <SecureString>] 
[-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity] [-CheckForBugFixes] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-E10Version The Epicor ERP 10 version to update true false
-LogFilesPath The directory where the Xml configuration and other log files will be saved into true false
-CreateConfig Sets the configuration of the identity provider true false False
-UpdateConfig Updates the configuration of the identity provider true false False
-DeleteConfig Deletes the configuration of the identity provider true false False
-AppserverName The ERP 10 application to update (must be a pre-deployed application) true false
-Endpoint URL where Identity Provider is installed false false
-Enabled True if Identity Provider should be enabled false false False
-TokenValidationApiScope Scope for token validation in ERP 10 false false
-NativeClientID Application ID for the ERP 10 smart client false false
-WebClientID Application ID for JavaScript client false false
-ServerOnlyClientID Application for inter-server communication false false
-ServerOnlyClientSecret Secret for inter-server communication false false
-UserExportEnabled True if export of Epicor users to Identity Provider is enabled false false False
-UserExportClientID Application ID to authenticate user export from Epicor ERP to Identity Provider false false
-UserExportClientSecret Secret to authenticate user export from Epicor ERP 10 to Identity Provider false false
-UserExportApiScope Scope for user export into the Identity Provider false false
-DeploymentDirectory Alternate deployment directory (defaults to "C:\Epicor\ERP10\ERP$baseErpVersion") false false
-EpicorDatabaseName The Epicor database name to use true false
-TargetSqlServer The Sql server location where the Erp database is stored at true false
-TargetSqlUser The Sql server user where the Erp database is stored at false false
-TargetSqlPassword The Sql server user password where the Erp database is stored at false false
-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity Specifies if the Sql connection should be made with the integrated security option false false False
-CheckForBugFixes Set if you want the installer to automatically install the latest optional patches for the current version false false False


Set-Idpconfig -E10Version "10.2.400.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\agent\Idp\Log" -CreateConfig -AppserverName "Radio" -Endpoint "https://idp.developer.epicor.com" -Enabled -TokenValidationApiScope "" -NativeClientID "native.hybrid" -WebClientID "spa1" -ServerOnlyClientID "client" -ServerOnlyClientSecret "95f6e15b-95bc-4ddc-9c6e-ae28d1ae1859" -UserExportEnabled -UserExportClientID "scimClient" -UserExportClientSecret "de32cef4-39fa-4919-b0f3-f7772de724fd" -UserExportApiScope "" -EpicorDatabaseName "ICE3Golden" -TargetSqlServer "localhost" -TargetSqlUser "sa" -TargetSqlPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "Epicor123" -AsPlainText -Force)
Sets the configuration settings for the identity provider in an ERP database when it didn't existed before
Set-Idpconfig -E10Version "10.2.400.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\agent\Idp\Log" -CreateConfig -AppserverName "Radio" -Endpoint "https://idp.developer.epicor.com" -Enabled -TokenValidationApiScope "" -NativeClientID "native.hybrid" -WebClientID "spa1" -ServerOnlyClientID "client" -ServerOnlyClientSecret "95f6e15b-95bc-4ddc-9c6e-ae28d1ae1859" -UserExportEnabled -UserExportClientID "scimClient" -UserExportClientSecret "de32cef4-39fa-4919-b0f3-f7772de724fd" -UserExportApiScope "" -EpicorDatabaseName "ICE3Golden" -TargetSqlServer "localhost" -TargetSqlUser "sa" -TargetSqlPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "Epicor123" -AsPlainText -Force)
Updates the configuration settings for the identity provider in an ERP database
Set-Idpconfig -E10Version "10.2.400.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\agent\Idp\Log" -DeleteConfig -AppserverName "Radio" -EpicorDatabaseName "ICE3Golden" -TargetSqlServer "localhost" -TargetSqlUser "sa" -TargetSqlPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "Epicor123" -AsPlainText -Force)
Deletes the configuration settings for the identity provider in an ERP database
$Global:eventViewerlogName = "EpicorISVServices"
$Global:eventViewerApplicationName = "ERP10" $toolPath ="C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Epicor Software\Application Server Manager Extensions\\" $toolExeName = "SetUpEnvironment\SetupEnvironmentUI.exe" $E10Version = "10.2.400.0" $toolLoggerName = "SetupEnvLogger" Add-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName ` -ToolVersionNumber $E10Version $errors = @() Set-Idpconfig -E10Version "10.2.400.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\agent\Idp\Log" -DeleteConfig -AppserverName "Radio" -EpicorDatabaseName "ICE3Golden" -TargetSqlServer "localhost" -TargetSqlUser "sa" -TargetSqlPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "Epicor123" -AsPlainText -Force) Remove-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName ` -ToolVersionNumber $E10Version foreach($err in $errors){ Write-Error $err } Deletes the configuration settings for the identity provider in an ERP database with logging enabled

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Set-IdpUserMapping -E10Version <String> -LogFilesPath <String> -AppserverName <String> -ErpUser <String> -IdpUser 
<String> [-DeploymentDirectory <String>] -EpicorDatabaseName <String> -TargetSqlServer <String> [-TargetSqlUser 
<String>] [-TargetSqlPassword <SecureString>] [-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity] [-CheckForBugFixes] 

Set-IdpUserMapping -E10Version <String> -LogFilesPath <String> -AppserverName <String> -UserMapping <IdpUserMap[]> 
[-DeploymentDirectory <String>] -EpicorDatabaseName <String> -TargetSqlServer <String> [-TargetSqlUser <String>] 
[-TargetSqlPassword <SecureString>] [-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity] [-CheckForBugFixes] 


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-E10Version The Epicor ERP 10 version to update true false
-LogFilesPath The directory where the Xml configuration and other log files will be saved into true false
-AppserverName true false
-ErpUser true false
-IdpUser true false
-UserMapping Defines the ERP 10 user and Identity provider user to map in the target ERP 10 server true false
-DeploymentDirectory Alternate deployment directory (defaults to "C:\Epicor\ERP10\ERP$baseErpVersion") false false
-EpicorDatabaseName The Epicor database name to use true false
-TargetSqlServer The Sql server location where the Erp database is stored at true false
-TargetSqlUser The Sql server user where the Erp database is stored at false false
-TargetSqlPassword The Sql server user password where the Erp database is stored at false false
-TargetSqlAuthenticationIsIntegratedSecurity Specifies if the Sql connection should be made with the integrated security option false false False
-CheckForBugFixes Set if you want the installer to automatically install the latest optional patches for the current version false false False


Set-IdpUserMapping -E10Version "10.2.400.0" -AppserverName "Radio" -LogFilesPath "C:\agent\idp\log" -ErpUser "manager" -IdpUser "ivaldez@epicor.com" -ErrorVariable errors  -EpicorDatabaseName "ICE3Golden" -TargetSqlServer "localhost" -TargetSqlUser "sa" -TargetSqlPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "Epicor123" -AsPlainText -Force)
Set-IdpUserMapping -E10Version "10.2.400.0" -AppserverName "Radio" -LogFilesPath "C:\agent\idp\log" -UserMapping @(@{ErpUserName="manager";IdpUserName="ivaldez@epicor.com"},@{ErpUserName="epicor";IdpUserName="ivaldez@gmail.com"})  -ErrorVariable errors  -EpicorDatabaseName "ICE3Golden" -TargetSqlServer "localhost" -TargetSqlUser "sa" -TargetSqlPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "Epicor123" -AsPlainText -Force)
Sets the user mapping of 2 users
$Global:eventViewerlogName = "EpicorISVServices"
$Global:eventViewerApplicationName = "ERP10" $toolPath ="C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Epicor Software\Application Server Manager Extensions\\" $toolExeName = "SetUpEnvironment\SetupEnvironmentUI.exe" $E10Version = "10.2.400.0" $toolLoggerName = "SetupEnvLogger" Add-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName ` -ToolVersionNumber $E10Version $errors = @() Set-IdpUserMapping -E10Version "10.2.400.0" -AppserverName "Radio" -LogFilesPath "C:\agent\idp\log" -ErpUser "manager" -IdpUser "ivaldez@epicor.com" -ErrorVariable errors -EpicorDatabaseName "ICE3Golden" -TargetSqlServer "localhost" -TargetSqlUser "sa" -TargetSqlPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "Epicor123" -AsPlainText -Force) Remove-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName ` -ToolVersionNumber $E10Version foreach($err in $errors){ Write-Error $err } Sets the user mapping of a user with logging enabled

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Set-NewWebSite [[-WebsiteName] <String>] [[-WebsiteHostName] <String>] [[-CertificateSearchString] <String>] 


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-WebsiteName Name of the website to create false false
-WebsiteHostName Name of the host to use false false
-CertificateSearchString The string to use to search the certificate to use in the new website false false


Adjusts an IIS Website and points it to a host name, whilst also setting up a certificate thumbprint (non-optional) via a search string
Set-NewWebSite -WebsiteName "MyFancyWebsite" -WebsiteHostName "myfancydomain.com" -CertificateSearchString "myfancydomain.com"

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Start-ConversionRunner [[-E10Version] <String>] [[-EpicorSmartClientFolder] <String>] [[-LogFilesPath] <String>] 
[[-SysConfigFilePath] <String>] [[-EpicorUserName] <String>] [[-EpicorUserPassword] <SecureString>] 
[[-AdditionalConversions] <Object[]>] [[-TimeoutInMinutes] <Int32>] [[-NumberOfRetries] <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-E10Version The E10 version to upgrade to false false
-EpicorSmartClientFolder The Epicor Erp smart client directory false false
-LogFilesPath The location where the configuration Xml and log files will be saved to false false
-SysConfigFilePath The Sysconfig file path to login with false false
-EpicorUserName The Epicor user name to use false false
-EpicorUserPassword The Epicor user password to use false false
-AdditionalConversions Additional conversions to run on demand false false
-TimeoutInMinutes If the timeout is hit, the current instance of the conversion runner will be halted and a new one will be started false false 15
-NumberOfRetries Number of retries before ending all processing false false 15


If the timeout is hit, the current instance of the conversion runner will be halted and a new one will be started


Starts all required conversions for a database
Start-ConversionRunner -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -EpicorSmartClientFolder "C:\Epicor\Erp10\LocalClients\E10Live" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" ` -SysConfigFilePath "C:\Epicor\Erp10\LocalClients\E10Live\Config\E10live.sysconfig" -EpicorUserName "epicor" ` -EpicorUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force)
Starts all conversions required for a database as well as also launching the cvpe0000 and cvpe0001 conversions
Start-ConversionRunner -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -EpicorSmartClientFolder "C:\Epicor\Erp10\LocalClients\E10Live" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" ` -SysConfigFilePath "C:\Epicor\Erp10\LocalClients\E10Live\Config\E10live.sysconfig" -EpicorUserName "epicor" ` -EpicorUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -AdditionalConversions @( @{ SystemCode="ERP" ConversionID="cvpe0000" SettingFile="" }, @{ SystemCode="ERP" ConversionID="cvpe0001" SettingFile="C:\temp\Path.txt" } )

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Start-SetupEnvironment [[-EnabledSteps] <String[]>] [[-DisabledSteps] <String[]>] [[-Arguments] <Object>] 
[[-SSRSArguments] <Object>] [[-E10Version] <String>] [[-DeploymentDirectory] <String>] [-CheckForBugFixes] 


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-EnabledSteps Array of steps to enable false false
-DisabledSteps Array of steps to disable false false
-Arguments Arguments for the common settings false false
-SSRSArguments Arguments for the Ssrs settings false false
-E10Version E10 version false false
-DeploymentDirectory Deployment directory where the SetupEnvironment.exe is located at false false
-CheckForBugFixes Checks for new releases of the SetupEnvironment.exe tool for your E10 version false false False


Imports the "C:\Epicor\ERP10\ERP10.2.300.0\Server\reports.zip" zip file into the "MyTenant" folder inside the "http://localhost/ReportServer_SQL2016" Ssrs server
Start-SetupEnvironment -EnabledSteps @("ImportSsrsReports","SetSsrsSharedDataSource","SetSsrsUserRights")` -DisabledSteps @("*") ` -SSRSArguments @{ SsrsBaseUrl = "http://erp10api/ReportServer_SQL2016" CreateDatabase = "true" DataSource = "localhost\sql2016" DbName = "erprpt" ReportsImportPath = "C:\Epicor\ERP10\ERP10.2.300.0\Server\reports.zip" ReportsRootFolder = "test" DbUser = "secure" DbPassword = "secret" } ` -Verbose -E10Version "10.2.300.0"

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Start-SolutionImportRunner [-CabDirectory] <String> [-Config] <String> [-PathToSolutionExe] <String> [[-EpicorUserId] 
<String>] [[-EpicorUserPassword] <SecureString>] [[-DegreeOfParallelism] <Int32>] 
[[-RedirectOutputToConsoleInsteadOfFile]] [[-BackupExistingLogFiles]] [[-RetryCount] <Int32>] [[-RetryWaitTime] 
<Int32>] [[-ForceCompanyInFileName]] [[-Use102300]] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-CabDirectory Specify the directory or directories (comma separated, including subdirectories) where the cab files reside
the format of the cab files is the following in order to be used by this function
If the format doesn't fall in the above format, the import will continue, if you want to prevent this behavior
see the flag -ForceCompanyInFileName
true false
-Config Specifies the config (.SysConfig) file that will be used by the Solution.exe target true false
-PathToSolutionExe Specifies the path (including the Solution.exe file name) to execute in this script true false
-EpicorUserId Specifies the Epicor user Id to be used to login in the Solution.exe target, exclude for Windows authentication/SSO false false
-EpicorUserPassword Specifies the password of the user to login into Epicor, exclude for Windows authentication/SSO
Use the following sample to generate a secure string:
$securedPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "MySecurePassword" -Force -AsPlainText
$securePassword = (Read-Host) | ConvertTo-SecureString -Force -AsPlainText
false false [SecureString]::new()
-DegreeOfParallelism Specify the degree of parallelism that the function will use to execute Solution.exe in parallel (i.e. number of
Solution.exe that you'll see in windows task manager)
false false 4
-RedirectOutputToConsoleInsteadOfFile Specify this argument if you need to redirect all output into the current command prompt executing this function
instead of a file (default)
false false False
-BackupExistingLogFiles Specify this argument if you need to create a backup of the existing log files for each of the cab files, the default
behavior is to overwrite them
false false False
-RetryCount Specify this argument to override the default retry count to wait until an individual job (execution of Solution.exe)
is complete
reducing this argument may improve completion performance of the whole operation (all files processed by Solution.exe)
false false 2
-RetryWaitTime Specify this argument to override the default retry time to wait until an individual job (execution of Solution.exe is
parameter is in seconds
reducing this argument may improve completion performance of the whole operation (all files processed by Solution.exe)
false false 1
-ForceCompanyInFileName Specify this parameter if you'd like for the company to be checked for it being in the file name
this switch argument requires that your files match the following pattern exclusively otherwise an error will be thrown
false false [switch]::Present
-Use102300 The API to access the solution.exe program changed in the 10.2.300 version and above, this switch will enable a fix to
allow that version to work
false false [switch]::Present


The following sample runs with the default settings
$securedPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -Force -AsPlainText Start-SolutionImportRunner -CabDirectory "D:\Epicor\Solutions\" -Config "D:\Epicor\Deployment\Client\Config\Production.sysconfig" -EpicorUserId "epicor" -EpicorUserPassword $securedPassword -PathToSolutionExe "D:\Epicor\Deployment\Client\solution.exe"
The following sample runs the folder found with a degree of parallelism of 20, i.e. 20 cab files can run at once
$securedPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -Force -AsPlainText Start-SolutionImportRunner -CabDirectory "D:\Epicor\Solutions\" -Config "D:\Epicor\Deployment\Client\Config\Production.sysconfig" -EpicorUserId "epicor" -EpicorUserPassword $securedPassword -DegreeOfParallelism 20 -PathToSolutionExe "D:\Epicor\Deployment\Client\solution.exe"
The following sample runs with the setting set to show any output from the executed Solution.exe in the host output window
$securedPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -Force -AsPlainText Start-SolutionImportRunner -CabDirectory "D:\Epicor\Solutions\" -Config "D:\Epicor\Deployment\Client\Config\Production.sysconfig" -EpicorUserId "epicor" -EpicorUserPassword $securedPassword -RedirectOutputToConsoleInsteadOfFile -PathToSolutionExe "D:\Epicor\Deployment\Client\solution.exe"
The following sample runs with the setting to backup existing log files (error or output) in the same folder
$securedPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -Force -AsPlainText Start-SolutionImportRunner -CabDirectory "D:\Epicor\Solutions\" -Config "D:\Epicor\Deployment\Client\Config\Production.sysconfig" -EpicorUserId "epicor" -EpicorUserPassword $securedPassword -DegreeOfParallelism 20 -PathToSolutionExe "D:\Epicor\Deployment\Client\solution.exe"
The following sample runs with the settings related to the retry operation overridden
$securedPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -Force -AsPlainText Start-SolutionImportRunner -CabDirectory "D:\Epicor\Solutions\" -Config "D:\Epicor\Deployment\Client\Config\Production.sysconfig" -EpicorUserId "epicor" -EpicorUserPassword $securedPassword -RetryCount 10 -RetryWaitTime 10 -PathToSolutionExe "D:\Epicor\Deployment\Client\solution.exe"
The following sample runs against a server configured with Windows Authentication/SSO enabled
Start-SolutionImportRunner -CabDirectory "D:\Epicor\Solutions\" -Config "D:\Epicor\Deployment\Client\Config\Production.sysconfig" -PathToSolutionExe "D:\Epicor\Deployment\Client\solution.exe"
The following sample runs with the setting set to show any output from the executed Solution.exe in the log files (force false redirect)
$securedPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -Force -AsPlainText Start-SolutionImportRunner -CabDirectory "D:\Epicor\Solutions\" -Config "D:\Epicor\Deployment\Client\Config\Production.sysconfig" -EpicorUserId "epicor" -EpicorUserPassword $securedPassword -RedirectOutputToConsoleInsteadOfFile:$false -PathToSolutionExe "D:\Epicor\Deployment\Client\solution.exe"
The following sample runs against a server configured with Windows Authentication/SSO enabled in a 10.2.300 or above environment
Start-SolutionImportRunner -CabDirectory "D:\Epicor\Solutions\" -Config "D:\Epicor\Deployment\Client\Config\Production.sysconfig" -PathToSolutionExe "D:\Epicor\Deployment\Client\solution.exe" -Use102300

Top of page


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-argumentsToSendToSolutionExe None false false
-pathToSolutionExe None false false
-redirectOutputToConsoleInsteadOfFile None false false
-redirectedErrorPath None false false
-redirectedOutputPath None false false


Start-TaskAgent [[-E10Version] <String>] [[-LogFilesPath] <String>] [[-TaskAgentName] <String>] [[-EpicorAppserverUri] 
<String>] [[-EpicorBinding] <String>] [[-EpicorUserName] <String>] [[-EpicorUserPassword] <SecureString>] 
[[-DeploymentDirectory] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-E10Version The E10 version to use false false
-LogFilesPath The location where the configuration Xml and log files will be stored at false false
-TaskAgentName The Task Agent Agent name to use false false
-EpicorAppserverUri The Epicor Uri where the Task Agent will point to false false
-EpicorBinding A valid Epicor Binding to use to connect to with the Task Agent false false HttpsBinaryUsernameChannel
-EpicorUserName The Epicor User name to connect the task agent as false false
-EpicorUserPassword The Epicor password to connect the task agent with false false
-DeploymentDirectory Alternate location where the task agent is installed at false false


Starts a task agent
Start-TaskAgent -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -TaskAgentName "E10LiveAgent" ` -EpicorAppserverUri "https://localhost/e10live" -EpicorUserName "epicor" ` -EpicorUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force)
Starts a task agent whilst also setting up logging to the error log stream
$toolExeName = "TaskAgentServiceConfiguration.exe" $E10Version = "10.2.300.0" $splitVersionNumber = [System.Version]::new($E10Version) $baseIceVersion = [System.Version]::new($splitVersionNumber.Major - 7, $splitVersionNumber.Minor, $splitVersionNumber.Build, 0).ToString() $toolPath ="C:\Program Files (x86)\Epicor Software\Epicor Task Agent Service $baseIceVersion\" $toolLoggerName = "TaskAgentCL" Add-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName Start-TaskAgent -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -TaskAgentName "E10LiveAgent" ` -EpicorAppserverUri "https://localhost/e10live" -EpicorUserName "epicor" ` -EpicorUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force) Remove-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName

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Stop-TaskAgent [[-E10Version] <String>] [[-LogFilesPath] <String>] [[-TaskAgentName] <String>] [[-EpicorAppserverUri] 
<String>] [[-EpicorBinding] <String>] [[-EpicorUserName] <String>] [[-EpicorUserPassword] <SecureString>] 
[[-DeploymentDirectory] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-E10Version The E10 version to use false false
-LogFilesPath The location where the configuration Xml and log files will be stored at false false
-TaskAgentName The Task Agent Agent name to use false false
-EpicorAppserverUri The Epicor Uri where the Task Agent will point to false false
-EpicorBinding A valid Epicor Binding to use to connect to with the Task Agent false false HttpsBinaryUsernameChannel
-EpicorUserName The Epicor User name to connect the task agent as false false
-EpicorUserPassword The Epicor password to connect the task agent with false false
-DeploymentDirectory Alternate location where the task agent is installed at false false


Stops a task agent
Stop-TaskAgent -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -TaskAgentName "E10LiveAgent" ` -EpicorAppserverUri "https://localhost/e10live" -EpicorUserName "epicor" ` -EpicorUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force)
Stops a task agent whilst also setting up logging to the error log stream
$toolExeName = "TaskAgentServiceConfiguration.exe" $E10Version = "10.2.300.0" $splitVersionNumber = [System.Version]::new($E10Version) $baseIceVersion = [System.Version]::new($splitVersionNumber.Major - 7, $splitVersionNumber.Minor, $splitVersionNumber.Build, 0).ToString() $toolPath ="C:\Program Files (x86)\Epicor Software\Epicor Task Agent Service $baseIceVersion\" $toolLoggerName = "TaskAgentCL" Add-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName Stop-TaskAgent -E10Version "10.2.300.0" -LogFilesPath "C:\temp" -TaskAgentName "E10LiveAgent" ` -EpicorAppserverUri "https://localhost/e10live" -EpicorUserName "epicor" ` -EpicorUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force) Remove-TracingLog -ToolLoggerName $toolLoggerName -ToolPath $toolPath -ToolExeName $toolExeName

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Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value


Update-ErpUserPassword [[-EpicorAppserverUri] <String>] [[-EpicorSmartClientFolder] <String>] [[-UserName] <String>] 
[[-Password] <SecureString>] [[-ERPUserName] <String>] [[-ERPPassword] <SecureString>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-EpicorAppserverUri Local domain for erp environment false false
-EpicorSmartClientFolder The Epicor Erp smart client directory false false
-UserName User name to be updated false false
-Password Proposed password false false
-ERPUserName Existing user in the erp to run the user validation false false
-ERPPassword Password for the existing erp user false false


Updates the password of a user
Update-ErpUserPassword -EpicorAppserverUri "https://machinename.developer.epicor.com/myEnvironment" -UserName "manager" ` -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "SecretPassword" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -ERPUserName "epicor" -ERPPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "epicor" -AsPlainText -Force) ` -EpicorSmartClientFolder "C:\Epicor\ERP10\LocalClients\Customer020\"

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